Let me introduce myself…

I’m Michelle. I’m an energy practitioner, intuitive coach and initiatory guide who loves to organize transformational experiences.

I am a passionate visionary, who is committed to a regenerative way of living. I like to jump in with both feet, get my hands dirty, make things happen and whistle while I work.

I am an ecstatic dance and breath-work facilitator, certified Mayson Method™ practitioner, ritualist & event planner.

I’m a daughter, sister, auntie, mystic, dreamer, priestess, high magician, Cancer Sun/Capricorn Moon/Leo Rising & Manifestor (Human Design).

I’m based in ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan) Treaty 6 Métis Territory; colonially known as Edmonton, AB and grew up in the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig (Mississauga) and Chippewa Nations, colonially known as Cobourg, ON.

As a healer and guide, I believe heart-centered transformation includes mind, body, emotions and spirit. I utilize a variety of tools to support individuals on their soul path, and empower my clients to take back the steering-wheel of their life and path forward.

I have worked internationally as an educational facilitator and wellness practitioner and have experience working in government, frontline social work, suicide prevention & publishing.

It is an honour to be in service to my clients & collective.

I could be the right fit for you if you…

  • Are seeking a holistic approach to your health & wellness;

    You understand your health & wellness are interconnected, multi-layered and multifaceted. You are ready to consider all ways your life-style, environment and relationships are contributing to your wellbeing and approach your health journey from a lens that includes mind, body, heart, spirit.

  • Are committed to doing inner-work, even when it’s uncomfortable.

    You don’t need to like discomfort, but you aren’t going to quit when it creeps up on you. You know what it means to commit to your goals, your dreams, your passion, your path even when things get challenging. You know uncomfortable sensations may arise, and that’s why you are investing in yourself by having someone (like me!) support you through those “crunchy” moments and develop an effective toolkit for yourself. At your core, you trust “this too shall pass.”

  • Understand sustainable change requires consistency and time.

    You aren’t someone who is looking for the easy way out or a quick fix. You know that sometimes one step forward and two steps back is the quickest way to where you’re trying to get and you’re ready to do the work. Despite the setbacks, you celebrate each milestone along the way regardless how great or small it may seem.

  • Value land-based spirituality, honest feedback and direct communication.

    As an initiatory guide who is in service to your higher self, I am often asked to speak to things that aren’t intended to “make the problem go away” or “make you feel better.” I care too much about you to do that. Instead I am usually asked to use direct communication and speak directly to what I see or am hearing with honestly and compassion. I also believe that the land is an essential part of individual and collective healing and will often provide after-care strategies (practices) that ask you to build your relationship to the land that surrounds you.

  • Believe you are worthy of experiencing everything you dreamt possible for yourself.

    Your Wise Mind knows you are worthy, even when your Human Mind tries to convince you otherwise. You know there might be days where you second guess and doubt yourself, and you still show up exactly as you are. On a deep, soul level you trust the journey and know you need to take action to accomplish your goals. You KNOW in your bones you are worth every investment of money and time as you pursue your dreams and commit to your path of purpose.

A Little More About Me…

Trust is required in order for us to work together in a good way, yet how can I ask you to trust me when I haven’t earned it?

Exactly. I can’t, and I wont. I’m not going to ask you to trust me, I’m going to remind you to trust yourself.


Because I trust you to know what’s best for you. If you’ve decided to work with me it’s because I trust that something I have shared with you has led you to make this decision because it’s what’s in your highest and best interest and you are looking for honest, direct and personalized support.

It’s important for you to trust yourself, and your decision to work with me because
when my clients say yes to working with me, I can ask a lot of you.

I ask a lot of you because if I didn’t I would be discrediting your capacity and potential and that isn’t why people work with me. I ask a lot of you because I trust you to co-create the rhythm and pace in which things move in our sessions. I ask a lot of you because you may have gone through the trenches to find your way here, to this shared space with me, and I refuse to feed you lip-service or temporary solutions. I ask a lot of you, because you deserve the best and this is how I know I am showing up at my best and in service to you, your healing, your path and purpose.

Throughout our time together I presume I will learn a lot about you, and want to reciprocate this by sharing a little more about myself here. Particularly got here, upon this path of healing as an energy practitioner, facilitator and initiatory guide.

Like you, I’ve had many experiences that shape my life. When I tell the stories of what has led me here I often find the turning points are taking place on the heels of great tragedy such as heart-break, loss, illness, disappointment and defeat.

I say this with humility and pride knowing that these experiences do not make me weak. They are the chapters lived that allowed me to fall apart and be put back together. They showed me the depth of my soul, of the contrast of what is possible in this life. These chapters are what taught me how f*cking resilient and capable I am to hold myself and others through extremely big and difficult experiences and understand the range of emotions that accompany such things.

Moving through hardship has allowed me to be confident in my gifts of holding and guiding others through times of darkness, doubt, challenge and struggle. They are the lived stories that have shown me what transformation is possible when we refuse to give up, when we seek guidance, when we keep going.

May this letter find you in a similar way that the inside cover of a book might, and if you’d like to learn more about the details of these stories you can explore my instagram account where I’ve referenced these stories and spoke to them in more detail at @michelley_christine.

Honouring my teachers

And those who have inspired & influenced my path

I would be nowhere without the guidance and wisdom of those who have walked before me.

I extend immense gratitude to my mentors, teachers, knowledge keepers, elders and ancestors for all they have passed on to me. I pay tribute to those who have had a great impact and influence on me by introducing them in the section below.

  • Karen Mayson, Founder of the Mayson Method™

    I was introduced to Karen when I was 17 years old. She was the first energy practitioner I ever worked with and has been my consistent health practitioner ever since. In 2020 I began working with her in a mentorship role and became a certified Mayson Method™ Practitioner in 2021.

  • Michelle Hanson-Cunningham, Creator of Moon Medicine

    Michelle Hanson-Cunningham introduced me to the world of shamanism in 2018. Through her teachings I gained a deeper understanding of the unseen, the ancestors and experiencing the world through the lens of a Dreamer. I have continued to learn with Michelle through her monthly Moonlodges, workshops and initiations ever since.

  • Stephen Jenkinson, Founder of Orphan Wisdom School

    The first time I heard Stephen speak was in 2018 at A Night Of Grief & Mystery in Edmonton, AB. In May 2022 I attended the Orphan Wisdom School and the Apprenticeship Program. Stephen’s approach acknowledges the troubles of our time, and provides a framework for deep inquiry and responsibility to all things.

  • Nathalie Jackson, Founder Women's Mystery School

    So much of this world is unknown, in the mysteries. I have been learning from and working alongside Nathalie since 2019 and am honoured to be amongst the graduates of her Women Unveiled Mystery School, for this is where I was initiated onto the priestess path. Nathalie was also my mentor for Shadow Processes & Fire Walking Facilitation.

  • Gary Warren, Professor & Founder of Quest Internacional

    In 2008 I was enrolled in journalism and joined Quest Internacional, a nonprofit organization, in Mexico to learn about international development and social justice. For the next 4 years I participated as a participant and then facilitator. In 2011 I enrolled in his post-graduate international development course and have been forever influenced by his work in what it means to be a global citizen.

  • Kari Stettler, Somatic Practitioner, Tree of Life Facilitator

    A somatic practitioner and rites of passage guide, Kari led me through the old ways of healing and transformation through community based rites of passage. In 2020 I completed the Blood Rites Initiation with her through The Tree of Life. This process included land based practices, women’s initiations, council and developing an intimate relationship with the sacred element of fire & water.